"Once upon a time there were 2 games, War Thunder and World of Tanks, they both had their cons and pros, but one thing which was the biggest difference is that War Thunder liked realism, all of the vehicles it had were actually built, while World of Tanks had most of its vehicles from paper. But the Tiger II cm is still tens of thousands of RP's away. I actually just unlocked the Panther II yesterday since it's also a prime contender for removal. They're not being removed because they are OP, they are being.

The 10,5cm Tiger II will finally be removed, along with some other fictional and paper designs.

pm Tiger II 10,5cm will be removed So, it is official.So the german Panther 2 (Rank 4, BR), Tiger 2 cm (Rank 5, BR) and Maus (Rank 5, BR) are gonna be removed in the next update, which leaves huge gap in the german tech tree.