There has also been a new patch on the game which for the most part improves the HUD of the game, as well as fixing up some damage issues with grenades and bullets.

For $6.80, anybody can grab their very own copy of Counter-Strike: Source, or grab a couple copies and send them to their Mac using friends who may have missed out on the game before. To celebrate the addition, Ste am is offering the game at a 66% discount for everyone.

Counter-Strike: Source is now available for both the PC and Mac now with a new update that brings Mac users into the fray. Not only does it stand the test of time, but also continues to expand and update, such as the major expansion to the game that took place this week. Although, this gun has a very large bullet spread when fired rapidly.Counter-Strike: Source has been around for almost six years now with tons of players still currently active. This is more of a 'spray and pray' type of gun as it has very little recoil and reloading takes very little time. This gun is standard issue for Terrorists. The gun itself holds (an incorrect) 20 rounds yet is underpowered compared to other handguns in the game. The factual inaccuracy comes in that the Glock 19 can fire only in semi-auto, and it can't be a Glock 18 because it lacks the fire-selector (which would be on the other side anyway, due to the mirrored model) and a real Glock 18 can only fire in semi and full-auto, no burst (no version of the Glock comes with a burst in fact). The Glock 17C was one of the first pistols added in beta 1 of the original Counter-Strike mod for the first Half-Life. It has the ability to fire not only in semi-automatic, but as well as 3-round burst fire mode. The model itself lacks the finger grooves (which are never seen anyway).

Its in-game model is smaller than a Glock 17 or 18 and has a (textured) rail, indicating that the texture wants it to be a 3rd gen Glock. The Glock 19 is called "9X19 Sidearm" in the game. Third-person models use different low-poly models, and may or may not mirrored, while the buy icons are lifted straight from Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. However, it appears that this time the mirroring is an intentional homage to the original CS games rather than an accident from the animation process, as some of the weapons have non-mirrored markings, suggesting that they were intentionally modeled as mirrored weapons.